When discovering a city, the best is to learn its history either by locals or institutions. Bangkok has many museums that worth a visit for any trip. Mostly of these museums are family friendly as they propose educational path and audio guide in either english or other language.The best is when the resources are in English which help you to truly understand Thai culture.
In bonus, at the end of this article, find 5 tips to use TUKTUK in Bangkok.
This museum serves as a guardian to King Prajadhipok and his wife, Queen RambaiBarni. Through multiple documents, records, objects, and pictures, get into their life, and revive a moment of history.
This neo-colonial building was only known has a store until it was decided to open it as a museum in 2002. With its 3 floors, you have access to King Prajadhipok history (floor 1), Queen Rambai Barni (floor 2) and King Rama VII.
Inside the museum, you will find permanent exhibition explaining in details King childhood until its death. King Prajadhipok is known for bringing democracy to the country during the Siamese Revolution in 1932. These tumultuous times are part of Thailand history. For those interesting into this, you can make a stop at King Prajadhipok Information Center inside the building. This library own books, film and international research about this period.
Opening hours : 9:00 am to 4:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
Admission fee : Free.
How to get there ? : Use local transportation to reduce your carbon impact ! You cantake MRT and stop at “Sanam Chai Station”. You can use local bus (2, 15, 44, 47, 59, 60, 169) and stop at “Thai Airways (Lanluang) Station”.
This museum is composed of four floors with 9 themes :
Grandeur Rattanakosin Room : Capital city for 2 centuries, this room uses your senses (image, sound and feels) to get you in the past.
Renowned Ceremonies : Revive the grand ceremony through images and understand how ceremony was protecting their culture.
Sight-seeing Highlights : With new technology helps, travel into Rattanakosin city and discover all is highlighting both tourist attraction and food.
Prestige of the Kingdom : This room highlight the presence of the kingdom with a replica of the Royal Grand Palace, the three attire of the Emerald Buddha and a specific section for reserved only for court ladies. Men and women can exceptionally enter inside and discover the subtle arts.
Graceful Architectures : Have a look on Rattanakosin architecture and all the changes it went through.
The colorful Thai Way of living : Have a look on Thai lifestyle and all the change it went through.
Remarkable Entertainment : This room is all about the performing arts such as Masked Performance, Thai classical plays, and Shadow Play.
Impressive communities : A room where the 12 communities from Rattanakosin island are together. Take this chance to learn more about them.
The Heart and Soul of the Nation : Learn more about the Chakri Dynasty as they werethe one building and giving life to Rattanakosin.
Opening hours : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday. Be aware that entrance isallowed until 3:00 pm.
Admission fee : 200 baht per person. You have an audio guide, but you’ll have to deposit1000 bath per machine.
How to get there ? : You can take a boat and stop at Pan-fah bridge. But you can also take a bus (2, 3, 9, 12, 15, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42, 44, 47, 59, 60, 64, 68, 70, 79, 82, 86, 169, 201) and stop at Thammasat University or Sanamluang Terminal Bus.

This museum is perfect for kids as it owns a knowledge center with books and movies. Its exhibition is turned to educational purposes which makes it a fresh and living museum experience. Its goal is to provide a clear and complete understanding on the Thai society through ethnology and anthropology.
They provide audio-guide in multiple language for free. So don’t hesitate to take it!
Opening hours : 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
Admission fee : 100 bath per person.
How to get there ? : The easiest way for this one is to take MRT and stop at “SanamChai Station”.

This is a small museum that is lost inside Bangkok. This museum is all about Waraporn Suravadee and its family who gave her house in 2004. Until her death, she was dedicated living in her museum even years after it was donated as a museum. She participated in the image of this museum : being a living museum. This museum is showing people living in Bangkok during 1900s through Suravadee life.
Opening hours : 10:00 am to 4:00 pm from Wednesday to Sunday.
Admission fee : Free.
How to get there ? : We recommend you using the bus (1, 16, 35 36, 45, 75AC, 93) and stop at Yaek Mahesak. From there, you will walk from 5 to 10 minutes.
From a long or short trip in Thailand, enjoy a visit in these Thai Museums. Not only you will discover more about Thai culture but also you will give meaningful experience to your trips. Also, the way you travel is part of the trip.
You’ve read until here ? Great, now you can obtain your reward and learn about tuktuk tips !

- Fares vary, depending on the distance travelled, the time of the day, thetraffic, and the mood of the drivers. Normally a very short trip will cost 50 baht.
- Fare negotiating, and haggling is a must because the price given by the driver is always an 'inflated rate' (especially if you're a tourist). The trick is to negotiate 50% off the proposed fare and take it from there.
- Be careful of the 'mafia' tuk-tuks around touristy areas, who often boasts privileged knowledge of 'secret' or 'special' shopping places and things. Some of them may offer sightseeing tours and unsolicited help to take you places. A short and sweet "no, thanks" or "mai ao" in Thai will save you from their scams. The same rule applies to taxis.
- Avoid taking a tuk-tuk during peak hours (07:00 am to 09:00 am and 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm). You don't want to be stuck in traffic for hours, sweating and breathing in the hazardous fumes from engines all around you.
- Tuk-tuks are most ideal for short trips. Sometimes it would cost the same, or even cheaper, to take a cab to the same destination, but it will go a lot faster.
We hope that you find your next activity in Bangkok!